Sleep Problems HypnosisEverybody takes sleep for granted. Until sleep problems appear. It's one of those things we expect nature to take care of, and usually nature does a good job. But sleep is actually susceptible to many kinds of disruption -noise or physical disturbance are not the only things that can keep you awake when you'd really rather be dreaming.
Fortunately, sleep habits (and they are habits) are very responsive to hypnotic approaches, and we have a range of hypnosis downloads to overcome sleep problems and help you get that good night's rest. We'll help you cut through worrying thoughts, anxious feelings, and anything else that's getting in the way of your shut eye. — read more
Overcome Cannabis or Marijuana AddictionDependence on cannabis or marijuana can be a difficult habit to break. Although it is not addictive in the true sense of the word, it becomes such a major part of everyday life that it is very hard to remove.
It used to be thought that using cannabis was relatively harmless, but we now know this is not the case. In addition to risk of cancer, there is mounting evidence of damage to the immune system caused by long-term cannabis or marijuana use.
But, just as with smoking, knowledge of the dangers is not enough motivation to quit. most people need something more in order to overcome dependencies and addictions.
Hypnosis can help by building your unconscious motivation - the sort of motivation that cannabis often diminishes. — read more
Break the heroin habit and get your life back under YOUR controlWhen you look back on how you came to be hooked on heroin, you may be shocked at how such a seemingly fun activity, which once promised you the best of good times, has become your destroyer. Now that you want to quit using heroin - it seems it won't let you go.
You may have started using 'for a laugh', or because 'everybody' was doing it, or because there was 'nothing to do round here', or because you wanted a way out of some troubles of your own. But whatever got you hooked, it feels like now you're sunk. Every time you resolve not to touch it again, something comes along to scupper you. It's hard to stay motivated. — read more