Pain Relief HypnosisHypnosis has been used for pain relief for centuries, and even today is widely used in surgical procedures. How does it work? By changing the way your brain interprets and responds to pain signals.
It is always important to check out what is causing any pain you may experience, as this is your body's way of alerting you to problems and making you take care of yourself. But once it has served its purpose and you have taken or are taking the right course of action to deal with the problem, there is no need for you to endure more pain. — read more
Bad Habits HypnosisIf you want to get rid of bad habits, and replace them with good ones, hypnosis is the most effective way to do it – and do it for good. People are often surprised how difficult it is to get rid of an unwanted compulsive behavior. They tell themselves that it’s all a matter of willpower, and that once they have decided not to do that any more, that will be that. So it’s a shock when they find that the old habits have crept up on them from behind, and sneaked right back in there. Many give up at that point. — read more
Overcome Performance Anxiety - whatever the arenaPerformance anxiety occurs in many contexts - sports, acting, singing... but whatever the situation, the problem is the same.
Performance anxiety always works in the same way:
1. You have to perform an activity that requires you to be 'in the moment' (or in 'flow' as psychologists call it).
2. You start to worry about it, thinking about all the things that could do wrong.
3. The anxiety gets in the way of your own performance - a self-fulfilling prophecy.
And to get rid of performance anxiety you have to get round this Catch-22: If you try not to worry, you are still in the wrong frame of mind for peak performance. You are still thinking, when you need to be experiencing.
And this is where hypnosis comes in. — read more