Personal Skills HypnosisYou don't have to pass an exam before you get to live your life, but you probably wish sometimes that there were some courses in developing personal skills that you could take.
Some time in adolescence most of us wake up to the fact that life is more than just a random set of 'happenstances' (though there's plenty of randomness to go around). How our lives turn out also depends to a large extent on what we know how to do. Both outwardly, in terms of what you might call hard skills and knowledge, and, more importantly, inwardly. — read more
Cocaine addiction treatment hypnosisHypnosis can help you break out of the cycle of addiction
Are you tired of 'marching' on and on?
Are you ready for cocaine addiction treatment?
Human beings have been chewing the coca leaves for thousands of years, enjoying a pleasant sense of alertness and heightened perception. But it's only in the past 150 years or so that it has become possible to extract the pure chemical, cocaine hydrochloride, so that you don't have to go through all that chewing to get the effect.
This technological advance also means that people can make refined cocaine at concentrations that are far from natural. The 'highs' may be higher but all the other negative effects are magnified and multiplied too. — read more
Nicotine Addiction TreatmentAre you finding it hard to stop using nicotine products, even though you want to?
Does it feel like you won't be able to cope without them?
Nicotine replacement products may be quite useful to people who want to quit smoking, helping to make the transition easier. They come in several different forms - gum, lozenges, patches and inhalers. It can be most disconcerting if, having successfully stopped smoking, you then find that you can't do without the nicotine products. It's not meant to be like that! — read more