Pain Relief HypnosisHypnosis has been used for pain relief for centuries, and even today is widely used in surgical procedures. How does it work? By changing the way your brain interprets and responds to pain signals.
It is always important to check out what is causing any pain you may experience, as this is your body's way of alerting you to problems and making you take care of yourself. But once it has served its purpose and you have taken or are taking the right course of action to deal with the problem, there is no need for you to endure more pain. — read more
Emotional Intelligence HypnosisIf you want to set about developing emotional intelligence to get on better with others, feel happier in yourself and get more out of life, we have a wide range of self hypnosis downloads to help.
Emotions are a fundamental part of being human - they make us who we are. But emotions are not something that we consciously control. They are our instant, unconscious, total body/mind response to whatever is happening around us - NOW. Emotions precede thought (contrary to popular belief). Our conscious minds invent rationalizations for what we feel after the event.
This doesn't mean you are totally at the mercy of your emotions. — read more
Instant generalized anxiety disorder treatmentUse hypnosis for anxiety and you can feel calm today
Are you often overwhelmed by worry and anxiety, even when there is no major cause for concern in your life?
Do you wonder where all those nebulous stomach churning fears spring from and how you can stop them?
Whether you are fretting about real and pressing problems that you have to solve or whether your mind is full of fears and fantasies about what might go wrong, the effect is the same. You can't think straight, you feel tense and stressed, your digestion plays up, you can't sleep, you feel sick and there seems no way out. It's a nightmare. — read more