Anger management - everything you need to knowAnger management is an audio hypnosis session developed by psychologists that will put you back in charge.
As you relax and listen repeatedly to your download, you'll notice that a number of profound changes take place within you. — read more
Healthy Eating HypnosisYou are what you eat, they say, but taking full responsibility for food and healthy eating in your life can be quite a challenge. Especially nowadays, in the modern world, we are all surrounded by temptations to consume too much, and too much of the wrong thing. And not only temptation - a whole industry is devoted to persuading us to indulge ourselves to excess.
And what if your challenge is in the other direction? What if you have been depriving yourself unhealthily, and are trying to return to a more balanced approach? All that pressure is no help to you either. — read more
Overcome Urination Anxiety and feel Physically at EaseHypnosis calms your thought patterns and helps you move past that false sense of "needing to go"
Urination Anxiety
Do you frequently feel a pressing need to urinate when you're under stress?
Do you get embarrassed about the amount of times you have to go to the bathroom?
In the same way as people blush or get sweaty palms, the feeling of pressure on the bladder and the desire to urinate is one way that anxiety can be expressed in the body.
When this happens, tension and pressure are felt in the bladder, a feeling that increases the more you focus on it. This in turn causes more worry and the negative cycle continues.
Hypnosis can calm down those anxious thought patterns — read more