Personal Skills HypnosisYou don't have to pass an exam before you get to live your life, but you probably wish sometimes that there were some courses in developing personal skills that you could take.
Some time in adolescence most of us wake up to the fact that life is more than just a random set of 'happenstances' (though there's plenty of randomness to go around). How our lives turn out also depends to a large extent on what we know how to do. Both outwardly, in terms of what you might call hard skills and knowledge, and, more importantly, inwardly. — read more
Bad Habits HypnosisIf you want to get rid of bad habits, and replace them with good ones, hypnosis is the most effective way to do it – and do it for good. People are often surprised how difficult it is to get rid of an unwanted compulsive behavior. They tell themselves that it’s all a matter of willpower, and that once they have decided not to do that any more, that will be that. So it’s a shock when they find that the old habits have crept up on them from behind, and sneaked right back in there. Many give up at that point. — read more
Overcome Globus Hystericus and banish the lump in your throatHypnosis can quickly relieve anxiety related symptoms like a tight throat
Has your doctor told you that you are suffering from globus hystericus or anxiety-related throat constriction?
Do you find it hard to breathe, talk, or swallow when you get that lump in the throat feeling?
When you first start getting the feeling that there's always a lump in your throat, or that swallowing is more difficult than it should be, it can be very worrying. Some people might put off going to see a doctor, because they feel frightened of what this symptom might mean. However, it is very important to get it checked out, for two reasons. — read more