Everyday, people just like you are finding out about the effectiveness of hypnotherapy as a treatment tool to overcome stress, anxiety, pain, phobias, weight problems, anger, smoking and much more.
Now you don't have to spend hundreds of dollars to get professional help for hypnotherapy in the Olivet area. There is an affordable and effective way to get the same results at home through the use of hypnosis audios. These carefully crafted and professionally recorded audios have proven their value to thousands of people worldwide and are just as effective as visiting a hypnotherapist. For as little as $15 per audio you can be on your way to recovery today.
You can listen to your hypnosis audio sessions on your personal computer, smartphone, tablet or CD player.
All audios are professionally recorded by professional hypnotherapist educators with proven track record.
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There are over 1,000 powerfully effective hypnosis and hypnotherapy audios professionally designed to make a positive impact in your life. You are sure to find something amazing!
Is it a struggle to get out of bed in the morning? Where do you get your motivation and inspiration? Did you know that hypnosis is one of the most powerful ways to boost your enthusiasm for life and inspire you to great things?
How can it do this?
When you go into hypnosis, and relax really deeply, you become detached from your 'everyday mind' with its fixed patterns and its regular burdens that grind you down. Your mind literally 'opens up', ready to receive new insights and create new perspectives. — read more
It's good to know that you can easily overcome fears and phobias with hypnosis, because such anxieties are extremely common. More than 10% of people will experience a simple phobia at some time in their lives. From elevators, spiders and birds, to heights, dentists and open spaces, there is nothing we can't develop anxiety or phobias about.
But you're not doomed to be stuck with them forever.
Happily, hypnosis provides an extremely effective cure for these problems as it provides the opposite of anxiety - deep relaxation. At the same time, it teaches the mind a different way of responding to the feared object or situation. Hypnosis for phobias works by detaching the stimulus (trigger object) from the emotional response (fear) and 'updating' the brain with a new, more realistic response. — read more
Wouldn't you love to be more charismatic and able to express and transmit emotion in such a way that people around you will just naturally be drawn to and influenced by what you say and do? Contrary to popular belief, charisma is not just a matter of luck. Charisma is a product of emotional engagement, personal style and action - all of which can be cultivated. So anyone can become more charismatic. — read more
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