Personal Skills HypnosisYou don't have to pass an exam before you get to live your life, but you probably wish sometimes that there were some courses in developing personal skills that you could take.
Some time in adolescence most of us wake up to the fact that life is more than just a random set of 'happenstances' (though there's plenty of randomness to go around). How our lives turn out also depends to a large extent on what we know how to do. Both outwardly, in terms of what you might call hard skills and knowledge, and, more importantly, inwardly. — read more
Overcome Fears and Phobias with HypnosisIt's good to know that you can easily overcome fears and phobias with hypnosis, because such anxieties are extremely common. More than 10% of people will experience a simple phobia at some time in their lives. From elevators, spiders and birds, to heights, dentists and open spaces, there is nothing we can't develop anxiety or phobias about.
But you're not doomed to be stuck with them forever.
Happily, hypnosis provides an extremely effective cure for these problems as it provides the opposite of anxiety - deep relaxation. At the same time, it teaches the mind a different way of responding to the feared object or situation. Hypnosis for phobias works by detaching the stimulus (trigger object) from the emotional response (fear) and 'updating' the brain with a new, more realistic response. — read more
Hypnotically rehearse being more charismastic and relaxedWouldn't you love to be more charismatic and able to express and transmit emotion in such a way that people around you will just naturally be drawn to and influenced by what you say and do? Contrary to popular belief, charisma is not just a matter of luck. Charisma is a product of emotional engagement, personal style and action - all of which can be cultivated. So anyone can become more charismatic. — read more