Personal Skills HypnosisYou don't have to pass an exam before you get to live your life, but you probably wish sometimes that there were some courses in developing personal skills that you could take.
Some time in adolescence most of us wake up to the fact that life is more than just a random set of 'happenstances' (though there's plenty of randomness to go around). How our lives turn out also depends to a large extent on what we know how to do. Both outwardly, in terms of what you might call hard skills and knowledge, and, more importantly, inwardly. — read more
Emotional Intelligence HypnosisIf you want to set about developing emotional intelligence to get on better with others, feel happier in yourself and get more out of life, we have a wide range of self hypnosis downloads to help.
Emotions are a fundamental part of being human - they make us who we are. But emotions are not something that we consciously control. They are our instant, unconscious, total body/mind response to whatever is happening around us - NOW. Emotions precede thought (contrary to popular belief). Our conscious minds invent rationalizations for what we feel after the event.
This doesn't mean you are totally at the mercy of your emotions. — read more
Take the anxiety out of waiting for exam or test resultsWaiting for results whether academic exam results or medical test results can cause huge anxiety. The powerful desire to know the outcome is magnified by the impossibility of knowing. And people often say that not knowing is the worst thing.
We humans dislike uncertainly. We like things to be clear, wrapped up with certainty and completed.
Not knowing the outcome of results that are important to your future can be hard to handle. Yet leaning to deeply relax with the uncertainties of life is such a hugely life enhancing skill. — read more