Personal Fitness HypnosisWe are all constantly told to look after our personal fitness if we don't want to suffer from a whole range of debilitating conditions - heart disease, obesity, cancers. But not as constantly as we're bombarded with advertising to eat pizza, watch more TV and drink beer.
Your secret weapon against the onslaught of un-healthy mass media are these carefully crafted hypnosis downloads which you can listen to at your PC, burn onto CD or on an mp3 player.
Using the power of hypnosis, you can build the mental attitudes and inner determination that will make healthy exercise a routine part of your everyday life - automatically. Use these powerful sessions to get you pumped up and motivated to look after yourself — read more
Anxiety Treatment HypnosisIf you suffer from anxiety, either in a specific situation or generally, then hypnosis is worth a try. All our hypnosis downloads are based around a deeply relaxing experience which in itself is the opposite physical state to anxiety. Then, you will be guided to use your imagination to lower your anxiety levels and decondition and previous anxious patterns.
Habitual anxiety, or generalized anxiety disorder as it's sometimes called, is often caused by long-term habits which can take a little longer to unpick. But regular deep relaxation can 'reset' your nervous system's baseline so that you remember how it feels to be relaxed on a daily basis. — read more
Stop being self centered - hypnosis can helpRe-orientate yourself outwards with hypnosis
Have people close to you told you that you're a bit too self centered?
Do you think you might be excessively wrapped up in your own affairs and concerns to the detriment of relationships with others?
Self-centeredness is one of those attributes that's hard to pigeonhole categorically as 'good' or 'bad'. Every single living thing must put itself first in a number of ways, because survival depends on it. What you focus on is only important if you're alive to do the focusing. So we and every other creature strive first to do what favors our continued survival, and only when that survival is assured do we give attention to anything else.
So far, so good. — read more