Personal Skills HypnosisYou don't have to pass an exam before you get to live your life, but you probably wish sometimes that there were some courses in developing personal skills that you could take.
Some time in adolescence most of us wake up to the fact that life is more than just a random set of 'happenstances' (though there's plenty of randomness to go around). How our lives turn out also depends to a large extent on what we know how to do. Both outwardly, in terms of what you might call hard skills and knowledge, and, more importantly, inwardly. — read more
Stop compulsive hand washingYou can overcome obsessive compulsive hand washing with the help of hypnosis
Do you find yourself getting anxious or stressed if you think your hands might be at all dirty?
Have you got caught up in a compulsive pattern of washing your hands so often that it is really interfering with your life?
People who fall into obsessive compulsive behavior patterns are burdened by two worries. They worry that if they don't do their behavior, such as washing their hands, something very bad (though usually unspecified) will happen. And on top of that, they worry that they are going mad. Surely only crazy people behave like this? — read more
Musicians & Singers Overcome Performance Anxiety / Stage FrightHypnosis can help you trust in your muscle memory and reclaim your musical flow
Do you ever dread upcoming shows where you will be playing music or singing?
Do you find yourself looking for excuses not to play?
It's common for musicians to feel nervous when they have a performance coming up. In fact, a little bit of adrenaline can help you stay focused and perform at your best. But when nerves begin to negatively affect your performance, it's time to do something about it. — read more