Hypnosis Relaxation TechniquesOf all the relaxation techniques and methods you could use, hypnosis and guided imagery are far and away the most effective - and fast. And when you combine hypnosis with other ways of relaxing that you already use, you have a mightily potent elixir of invigoration!
The real benefit of using hypnosis downloads for relaxation techniques is that it allows you - easily and effortlessly - to teach your own mind how to achieve really deep relaxation very quickly. Even if you only have five minutes to spare, you can give yourself the equivalent of an hour's deep rest. Think what a difference that could make to your day. — read more
Bad Habits HypnosisIf you want to get rid of bad habits, and replace them with good ones, hypnosis is the most effective way to do it – and do it for good. People are often surprised how difficult it is to get rid of an unwanted compulsive behavior. They tell themselves that it’s all a matter of willpower, and that once they have decided not to do that any more, that will be that. So it’s a shock when they find that the old habits have crept up on them from behind, and sneaked right back in there. Many give up at that point. — read more
Nicotine Addiction TreatmentAre you finding it hard to stop using nicotine products, even though you want to?
Does it feel like you won't be able to cope without them?
Nicotine replacement products may be quite useful to people who want to quit smoking, helping to make the transition easier. They come in several different forms - gum, lozenges, patches and inhalers. It can be most disconcerting if, having successfully stopped smoking, you then find that you can't do without the nicotine products. It's not meant to be like that! — read more