Stress Management Hypnosis DownloadsStress management is not just a matter of relaxation, although knowing how to relax can certainly help. Nor is it a matter of aiming to have no stress at all. Stress is essential. If you didn't have any, ever, you would never grow, never develop, never learn anything new, never change and probably die of boredom.
But too much strain and tension in your life can be pretty damaging too, leading to exhaustion, anxiety, depression and physical illness. The stress management hypnosis downloads below will provide you with a complete 'toolkit' for dealing with the pressures of life - both the avoidable and the unavoidable.
Life is so much more enjoyable when stress stops being a burden and becomes the incentive to growth and development that it should be.
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Stop Sex Obsession HypnosisAn obsession with sex, although exciting at first, can quickly become exhausting and draining. And because sex is such an essential, natural drive, sex obsession can develop quite quickly, especially when other needs are not met.
Too much focus on sex inevitably distracts you from your goals, uses up valuable energy, and can potentially send the wrong signals at the wrong time in relationships, causing damage and frustration.
Put sex back into proper perspective
Sex is, of course, an important part of life. It is a natural drive that needs to be fulfilled. But sex is just part of life, and in its proper place, like the seasoning in a meal, adds flavor, spice and excitement. Too much seasoning though, and the meal becomes unpalatable.
The Stop Sex Obession pack will help your brain release its obsession with sex and allow it to return to its natural place in your life. — read more
Musicians & Singers Overcome Performance Anxiety / Stage FrightHypnosis can help you trust in your muscle memory and reclaim your musical flow
Do you ever dread upcoming shows where you will be playing music or singing?
Do you find yourself looking for excuses not to play?
It's common for musicians to feel nervous when they have a performance coming up. In fact, a little bit of adrenaline can help you stay focused and perform at your best. But when nerves begin to negatively affect your performance, it's time to do something about it. — read more