Weight Loss Hypnosis DownloadsAre you struggling with weight loss? Self hypnosis can provide the extra motivation and determination to keep you moving in the direction of your goals, and help you escape the many food traps that can cause weight gain.
The aim of using hypnosis for weight loss is to re-educate your unconscious mind - the part that creates cravings and impulses - to give you back real choice in what you eat. You know that a real and permanent change in your weight only comes with a change in lifestyle, not through fad diets that you can't possibly keep up over the long term. Our weight control hypnosis downloads can help you make those changes. — read more
Healthy Eating HypnosisYou are what you eat, they say, but taking full responsibility for food and healthy eating in your life can be quite a challenge. Especially nowadays, in the modern world, we are all surrounded by temptations to consume too much, and too much of the wrong thing. And not only temptation - a whole industry is devoted to persuading us to indulge ourselves to excess.
And what if your challenge is in the other direction? What if you have been depriving yourself unhealthily, and are trying to return to a more balanced approach? All that pressure is no help to you either. — read more
Instant generalized anxiety disorder treatmentUse hypnosis for anxiety and you can feel calm today
Are you often overwhelmed by worry and anxiety, even when there is no major cause for concern in your life?
Do you wonder where all those nebulous stomach churning fears spring from and how you can stop them?
Whether you are fretting about real and pressing problems that you have to solve or whether your mind is full of fears and fantasies about what might go wrong, the effect is the same. You can't think straight, you feel tense and stressed, your digestion plays up, you can't sleep, you feel sick and there seems no way out. It's a nightmare. — read more