Pain Relief HypnosisHypnosis has been used for pain relief for centuries, and even today is widely used in surgical procedures. How does it work? By changing the way your brain interprets and responds to pain signals.
It is always important to check out what is causing any pain you may experience, as this is your body's way of alerting you to problems and making you take care of yourself. But once it has served its purpose and you have taken or are taking the right course of action to deal with the problem, there is no need for you to endure more pain. — read more
Anxiety Treatment HypnosisIf you suffer from anxiety, either in a specific situation or generally, then hypnosis is worth a try. All our hypnosis downloads are based around a deeply relaxing experience which in itself is the opposite physical state to anxiety. Then, you will be guided to use your imagination to lower your anxiety levels and decondition and previous anxious patterns.
Habitual anxiety, or generalized anxiety disorder as it's sometimes called, is often caused by long-term habits which can take a little longer to unpick. But regular deep relaxation can 'reset' your nervous system's baseline so that you remember how it feels to be relaxed on a daily basis. — read more
Nicotine Addiction TreatmentAre you finding it hard to stop using nicotine products, even though you want to?
Does it feel like you won't be able to cope without them?
Nicotine replacement products may be quite useful to people who want to quit smoking, helping to make the transition easier. They come in several different forms - gum, lozenges, patches and inhalers. It can be most disconcerting if, having successfully stopped smoking, you then find that you can't do without the nicotine products. It's not meant to be like that! — read more