Motivation and Inspiration HypnosisIs it a struggle to get out of bed in the morning? Where do you get your motivation and inspiration? Did you know that hypnosis is one of the most powerful ways to boost your enthusiasm for life and inspire you to great things?
How can it do this?
When you go into hypnosis, and relax really deeply, you become detached from your 'everyday mind' with its fixed patterns and its regular burdens that grind you down. Your mind literally 'opens up', ready to receive new insights and create new perspectives. — read more
Healthy Eating HypnosisYou are what you eat, they say, but taking full responsibility for food and healthy eating in your life can be quite a challenge. Especially nowadays, in the modern world, we are all surrounded by temptations to consume too much, and too much of the wrong thing. And not only temptation - a whole industry is devoted to persuading us to indulge ourselves to excess.
And what if your challenge is in the other direction? What if you have been depriving yourself unhealthily, and are trying to return to a more balanced approach? All that pressure is no help to you either. — read more
Overcome Fear and AnxietyHypnosis can stop worry and apprehension wrecking your life
Overcome Fear & Anxiety
Do you often feel fearful and anxious even when you know there's nothing to worry about?
Are your thoughts and emotions controlling you, rather than the other way round?
Feeling worried and frightened is extremely unpleasant.
Your heart pounds. Your chest feels too tight. Your guts seem to be tied in knots. You break out in a sweat. You desperately want to run away - but where to? You might feel sick. You can't think straight. You're sure something awful is going to happen. — read more