Fear and Sports

No matter what sport a person plays the only way they can be on top “number 1″ is to stay in the moment, it is a must. It is impossible to be in the moment if the person has any FEARS, NEGATIVE FEELINGS OR NEGATIVE BELIEFS programmed into their subconscious mind. That moves them from being in the moment to living in the past.

A fear protects the person from feeling the negative feeling such as being criticized or embarrassed. The chances are that those feeling were programmed into their subconscious mind when they were children. The negative feelings could have been programmed into the subconscious mind because of a parent, a sibling, a teacher or even peers who constantly criticized or embarrassed the child when ever they did something they thought in their minds was wrong. Many times they could of embarrassed the child in front of their friends, relatives and other people they knew. So in this example there are two negative feelings, a criticized feeling and an embarrassment feeling. Both of these feelings are terrible and hurtful feelings to feel for anyone. Let’s take a look at how they could affect or interfere with some one who plays golf, either professional or amateur.

When it is their time to drive the ball down the fairway or putt and people are watching them they become fearful that some how they could be criticized and as a result could be embarrassed. At the moment they began to feel fearful they move completely out of the moment and out of focus and into the past. This could happen in baseball, basketball, tennis and just about every sport that is played. When this fear comes up, it could feel like anxiousness, anxiety or even panic? When this happens they lose focus move out of the moment and start thinking things like I am not doing this right, if someone criticizes me I am going to become embarrassed and do I look good when these people are staring at me. That is just a few of the thoughts that could get in the way of their staying in the moment, out of focus and into the past. There are also a thousand of other thoughts that will bring them out of the moment, out of focus and into the past. Once out of the moment, out of focus and into the past they will hit or throw the ball exactly where they don’t want it to go. The only way a person can play sports and be on top or “number 1” is to not have any fears, negative feelings mind or negative beliefs that will cause them to move out of the moment, out of focus and into the past. The fear is a protection that keeps them from feeling the negative feeling even though it is actually harming them by keeping them from being in the moment, out of focus and into the past.

The same thing happens to people who race cars, race motor cross, snow ski racing, mountain biking or any sport that is played on the planet. It is impossible to be number 1 if you have a fear protecting you from feeling a negative feeling like being criticized or embarrassed. People who are always winning in sports absolutely have no fears or negative feelings programmed into their subconscious mind that would cause them to get out of the moment, out of focus and into the past. It is that simple.

There is one other thing that causes sports people to get out of the moment and that is a belief. Here is an example of that. Let’s say a person is a professional golfer but they have never won any of the major tournaments such as the Masters, or the US open but they win the smaller tournaments on the PGA tour. They have come close but never won a major. Lets say that when they were a child their parents told them many, many times that they would never be the best at what they did and the little kid subconsciously takes on that belief and believes it, remember parents can be God for children. So he becomes a professional golfer and when he starts a major tournament he does very good and he keeps in first place all they way up to let say the 15th or 16th hole. At the 15th hole he is maybe three to five strokes ahead and he consciously can see that he could win this major tournament. All of a sudden that little kid inside him that was told over and over again that he could not be the best at what he does starts reminding him that he can’t be the best at what he does and when that happens he gets out of the moment, out of focus and into the past. He loses the game by as little as one stroke.

We also get out of the moment and out of focus if we live in the future. Living in the future is trying to control what is going to happen in the future to get you what you want. The only answer I have for that is we can’t control anything in the future, all we can do is be in control of ourselves.

You see the thing about beliefs is this, they are not willing to be wrong and they make sure they are not wrong, the belief made sure he was not the best at what he did.

Anyone finding themselves in this situation and having problems winning but know they have the talent to be the best needs to call so we can have a talk with the little boy or girl within to find out what is in the way of them being the best in their field. My number is 951) 961-9000, ask for Lawrence.

(951) 961-9000
